A laptop sits on a kitchen counter with the browser window set to oliveoillovers.com.
Narrator: Why should you get your extra virgin olive oil from Olive Oil Lovers?
(Why should you get your extra virgin olive oil from Olive Oil Lovers?)
A woman’s hand swipes down gently on the track pad and the website page scrolls down.
Narrator: Because Olive Oil Lovers curates the best selection of genuine extra virgin olive oils sourced directly from award-winning producers.
A photo close up shows a row of olive oil bottles with sample glasses in front of each bottle. A second photo shows the bottle lineup from the front in a wide shot with an Olive Oil Lovers banner behind. A 3rd photo shows Olive Oil Lovers’ president Joanne Lacina at the Flos Olei awards show with Paolo and Gionni Pruneti.
Narrator: Throughout each year we take the time to meet the farmers…
Video shows Joanne with Paolo Pruneti in Tuscany looking at an olive tree in one of Pruneti’s olive groves, then cuts to Joanne in Lazio walking with Lucia Iannotta in a hillside olive grove.
Strong Producer Relationships
Video cuts to Joanne holding a glass of olive oil in the mill of Oro Bailen with Jose Galvez and Edurne Rubio. Then we see to Joanne standing with Marco Viola as they look across his grove in Umbria.
Narrator: And master millers producing the world’s best olive oils. We tour the estates…
Video shows Joanne with Rafael Alonso Barrau on a hilltop looking out across the groves of Oro del Desierto.
Narrator: Inspect the facilities…
Video shows Joanne with Mateo Muela as they watch oil get bottled in the Mueloliva facilities. She points at the bottles and Mateo laughs.
Narrator: Observe their production methods…
Video shows Joanne in the mill of Frantoio Franci with Giorgio and Lucia Franci. As fresh oil flows behind them, Joanne pulls her hair back as she leans forward to smell the oil Giorgio has captured on his spoon.
Narrator: And sample the final results from each harvest.
Joanne with Alberto del Moral Lopez and Marco Molinari tasting Morellana Picuda in an outdoor seating area near the groves of Sucesores de Hermanos Lopez.
A landscape shot of the Viola hilltop grove with thick clouds hanging in the valley beyond and mountains in the distance. A few workers are harvesting olives from the trees with pneumatic combs.
Narrator: Our experts hone their skills through regular olive oil tastings and training sessions.
Expert Tasters
In the tasting room above the Pruneti mill in Tuscany, Joanne Lacina and Olive Oil Lovers Senior Director Dylan Ebbers sniff olive oil in blue glasses and then taste the oil.
Narrator: In fact Olive Oil Lovers Founder and President, Joanne Lacina, is considered one of the world’s best tasters.
Photo of Joanne smiling while sitting at a table at a seaside restaurant in Crete. She has a Greek salad and bread before her, and behind her are a few fishing boats docked to the quay. Another photo shows Joanne sniffing a pale green oil in a wine glass, with others sniffing oil in the background.
(One of the world’s foremost tasters)
Narrator: In 2017 she became the first person ever to achieve a perfect score on the prestigious Savantes Skills Tasting Test for olive oil.
Photo of Joanne receiving a certificate from Savantes founder Simon Field. Video footage then pans down the certificate.
(Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes. This is to Certify that Joanne Lacina is a Member of the Register of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Savantes. Having achieved the Savantes Standards for Competency and committed to the Savantes Code of Ethics Recognizing Excellence and Aspiring to: Great Knowledge of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Enjoy and Understand the Whole Spectrum of Tastes from Around the World, Use the Tastes and Culinary Attributes of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Enhance Cuisine, Produce and Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil to A High Level of Excellence, Benefit from the Dietary Advantages of Extra Vrigin Olive Oil. Signed by Simon Field. Standards Assessment Panel. Year 2017.)
Only Extra Virgin
Narrator: You’ll find that every single product in the Olive Oil Lovers online shop is carefully selected for having outstanding flavors and aromas.
Video footage shows the Olive Oil Lovers website with heading Extra Virgin Olive Oils You Can Trust. The cursor moves to the Shop Olive Oils button and clicks it. The window changes to a collection page of extra virgin olive oils that includes products from Tamia and Oleoestepa, with filter options on the left side of the page, and then scrolls down through a grid of products.
Narrator: All olive oils have detailed lab reports and undergo multi-step taste analyses to ensure purity and quality with each new harvest.
A photo from Marina Colonna’s office featuring about a dozen small 100ml bottles of olive oil on a stainless steel tray, each labeled with tape with a varietal name or initial. A stack of lab reports sits on the table in front of the tray. A new shot pans across more lab reports arrayed across a table. Then a photo of Joanne in the Sucesores de Hermanos Lopez oil storage room holding up 2 different clear cups of oil. Alberto del Moral Lopez looks on in the background, between filtration equipment and large stainless steel tanks.
(Purity & Quality)
Another photo of Joanne sniffing from a blue glass, this time in the Mueloliva offices as Jose Manuel Muela watches with several other oil samples in the background.
Narrator: We store all our products in a dark, temperature controlled environment to ensure your quality olive oils…
A photo of the Olive Oil Lovers’ warehouse with boxes on pallets and high stainless steel shelving filled with flat boxes and empty containers. Workers operate a forklift and a pallet lifter while another points to something on a high shelf.
Stored for Perfection
Then a wide shot of the warehouse without any workers. In a third shot warehouse workers carefully pack boxes with bottles and tins of olive oil.
(Protected from light & oxygen)
Narrator: Stay protected from light and oxygen from the moment they’re bottled by the producer until you open the bottle.
Video from the Frantoio Frnaci mill of bottles moving through the bottling line. A photo of an Olive Oil Lovers worker handing packages off to UPS. Boxes are stacked in the foreground. Then a close shot of the box handoff as the worker smiles.
(Free Shipping)
Narrator: Plus Olive Oil Lovers offers free shipping every day.
A photo of a customer smiling as she signs for an Olive Oil Lovers package from a courier.
Customers come first
Narrator: The only thing we love more than olive oil is our customers.
Another photo of a customer smiling as she picks up an Olive Oil Lovers box from her doorway. A photo of an elderly group enjoying a meal outdoors and passing a bottle of olive oil across the table.
Narrator: Your queries are answered by real people here in the U.S. who work directly with the in-house team and operations.
A photo of a grandmother helping her granddaughter in the kitchen as they pour olive oil on an unbaked pizza. Then we see a photo of Joanne in the Viola grove as she smiles and bends down by a crate of olives.
(The perfect oil)
Narrator: They strive to solve any problems and will even help you find the perfect oil suited just for your taste/needs.
An animated sequence begins with the Olive Oil Lovers logo popping into the upper left of the screen. An arrow animates from the logo to an illustration of a house that pops into the upper right corner. Then a number pops in below the arrow as it rapidly grows from the hundreds to tens of thousands. As the number climbs, an illustration of a person smiling and waving pops into view in front of the house, then 5 stars pop in across the lower half of the screen, covering up the numbers.
Narrator: Olive Oil Lovers has successfully shipped tens of thousands of orders to over 20,000 customers, with consistent 5-star ratings…
The animation continues with the stars moving to the top of the screen, pushing the arrow, house and person off-screen. The Olive Oil Lovers logo becomes transparent as it moves and grows to fill the center of the screen, just as several different 5-star reviews pop into the lower half of the screen.
Narrator: Across thousands of positive customer reviews, ranking OOL among the very best online retailers.
(Outstanding. I could literally drink them… I am hooked! Donna K. I am so glad I came across your site. Victoria H. They display the subtlety and refinement not found in other olive oils. Barbara. Great taste and excellent fragrance. Product is worth every penny. Beverlee H.)
Video shows a close up of an olive branch, heavy with green-purple olives. We see Joanne and Paolo Pruneti’s hands inspecting the olives. Then a shot of oil pouring in a mill in slow motion.
(Quality Olive Oils)
Narrator: We believe deeply in the quality of their olive oils. In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you can rest assured knowing they will make it right.
Green olives fall as they move off a conveyor into an olive sorting mechine. Footage of Joanne with Lucia Iannotta in the Iannotta storage room. Joanne nods as she speaks and points to the oil in her cup and Lucia listens intently. Finally a shot of Joanne in the groves of Masia el Altet where she chats with producer Jorge Petit.
Narrator: Olive Oil Lovers, the trusted bridge between you and the best olive oils you’ve ever tasted.
A white screen with the Olive Oil Lovers logo as the bridge animates across the logo.